IchBin wrote:
> Sivakatirswami wrote:
>> I do a lot of workflow and process documentation where we would like to 
>> mix and match numbered lists with bulleted indentation.  Standard 
>> outline cascade styles would also be nice but mission critical..
>> 1
>>     A
>>      i
>>              a
>>              b
>> For now I would be content if the numeric series could be maintained 
>> across indented lines with bullets.
>> In the following, the numbers will revert to 1. after the bullets. Is 
>> there a solultion?
>> ------- Sample wiki code
>> !!!Process Slideshow
>> # You should have only one slide show in the TAKA folder
>> * we usually do only one a day
>> * You can do 2 a day but must set the iFrame ID of the second one to "2"
>> # Slideshow folder should be properly named; it usually is  by default. 
>> If it is not the CGI will break!
>> # open slide show folder; sort by kind; open all *.txt files in BBEdit 
>> in one pass.
>> # These are all the captions; they will not be in order, but it doesn't 
>> matter
>> # Proof read and spell check each one carefully. This is the only time 
>> this is done.
>> # Check the size of the photos.
>> * Max width 360 and height 270 See [[Slideshows.FunctionalSpec]] for 
>> slide show specs and details
>> *  if too big, then run on Droplet to resize for Slide show
>> ** Caveat: Adobe terminated ImageReady! if you uninstalled CS2 then our 
>> droplets won't work... I have a photoshop CS3 droplet but it's "lame" 
>> because it will not drive thru defaults in some dialogs and you have to 
>> sit and click OK on on every image being processed in the batch...but it 
>> works.
>> #  In the GUI for the daily build, the action to set the path to the 
>> slide show will automatically generate today's folder and move the slide 
>> show into that folder, BUT you must manuallly upload to the server (see 
>> below)
>> -----------
>> In the above, one want a numbered list 1 to 6 with indented bullets 
>> underneath.  Instead we get
>> 1
>>    *
>>    *
>> 1
>> 2
>> 3
>> 4
>> 5
>>   *
>>   **
>> 1
>> If there is no easy simple solution in the core mark up,
>> I would be open to some "outliner" recipe if one exists.
>> Sivakatirswami
>> www.himalayanacademy.com
> Try this: (Use the '\' & extra level's))
> !!!Process Slideshow
> # You should have only one slide show in the TAKA folder
> ** we usually do only one a day
> ** You can do 2 a day but must set the iFrame ID of the second one to "2"
> # Slideshow folder should be properly named; it usually is  by default. \
> If it is not the CGI will break!
> # open slide show folder; sort by kind; open all *.txt files in BBEdit \
> in one pass.
> # These are all the captions; they will not be in order, but it doesn't \
> matter
> # Proof read and spell check each one carefully. This is the only time \
> this is done.
> # Check the size of the photos.
> ** Max width 360 and height 270 See [[Slideshows.functional spec]] for \
> slide show specs and details
> **  if too big, then run on Droplet to resize for Slide show
> *** Caveat: Adobe terminated ImageReady! if you uninstalled CS2 then our \
> droplets won't work... I have a photoshop CS3 droplet but it's "lame" \
> because it will not drive thru defaults in some dialogs and you have to \
> sit and click OK on on every image being processed in the batch...but it \
> works.
> #  In the GUI for the daily build, the action to set the path to the \
> slide show will automatically generate today's folder and move the slide \
> show into that folder, BUT you must manually upload to the server (see \
> below)
Forgot to mention.

Take a look at: TextFormattingRules


Look at list styles:

Thanks in Advance...           http://weconsultants.prophp.org
IchBin, Philadelphia, Pa, USA  http://ichbinquotations.awardspace.com
'If there is one, Knowledge is the "Fountain of Youth"'
-William E. Taylor, Regular Guy (1952-)

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