On Fri, May 18, 2007 at 12:57:18AM -1000, Sivakatirswami wrote:
> /seva/
>     /local
>        config.php
> for a field on the farm
> $WikiTitle = 'Himalayan Academy Dev Wiki';
> $DefaultPage ='HAP.SevaWikiHome';
> $PubDirUrl = $FarmPubDirUrl;
> But the page being displayed as the default home page is still
> /pmwiki
>     /wikilib.d
>        Main.HomePage
> This just started happening last week after upgrade to beta .45,
> I also upgraded to the lastest Cluster, Zap and a few other recipes
> -- all of which should not touch this issue... but possibly they are
> involved?

Hmmm. How early in your local/config.php file do you have $DefaultPage
defined?  I gather it needs to be pretty early.

Kathryn Andersen
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