Vince Administration schrieb:
> I think it is really important that the system be able to read and 
> probably write standard GeD (? files).
absolutely ! im- and export
> All the geneology programs use this as a flat file database format. I 
> have collected such data, and
> would not want to start adding data from scratch. 
neither me.

I already entered some data into PAF, which supports im- and export of 
std-GED files. So that will be a good start.
There are also several
> (free and not free) programs
> that can produce reports.  The role I would find useful for PmWiki is to 
> allow lots of people (in the family, presumably)
> to update the data, and of course to examine the reports.
>             Vince


I was thinking of how the data could be gathered and how to be 
displayed. how about that:

creating data-pages in pmwiki where the data of one person (etc) will be 
entered in a rather simple but via form editable mode e.g.:

field: value
field: value

:field: value
:field: very
:field: value


At view-time this will set only variables but show nothing so the 
page-content itself is not displayed directly but the display-job is 
done by a group-footer-page which displayes the fields in a formatted page.
I think such an "pure data-page" can be changed by a form-function more 
easily and the collected data can be displayed in different ways simply 
by changing one page: the group-footer-page

so a wikipage will turn likely more into a pure data container rather 
than a formatting page. Within the fields pmwiki-markups could be used t 
format the field's contents. Ok pmwiki is not the best database 
considering performance but I think there won't be so much data records 
to store to get a problem. and we'll have the full flexibility of pmwiki

I'll try to get some time at the weekend for some testing but I think I 
will have to wait a bit (sailing season has begun ! so I think I'll 
rather be on a boat-tour the next week :-)


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