On Sun, May 20, 2007 at 04:53:43PM +0200, ThomasP wrote:
> On Sun, May 20, 2007 15:41, The Editor wrote:
> > Then it extracts
> > any user group memberships from Memberships pages and sets those using
> > authuser's SessionAuth( ).
> The thing is that UserAuth2 (like UserAuth) works completely independent
> of any AuthUser related functions (*) -- thus SessionAuth() and the
> functions that depend on its actions will not being called as soon as
> UserAuth2 is activated. 

Just a quick note that SessionAuth() is independent of AuthUser and
authuser.php.  It's used to manage all session-based authorizations
in PmWiki, not just authuser-based ones.

The current group authorizations are held in the $AuthList array -- if
the current visitor is a member of $groupname, then $AuthList[$groupname]
is set to a non-zero value. 

This is true even for non-AuthUser installations, where visitors may
still be members of the '@nopass', '@_site_edit', etc. authorization
groups even though authuser.php isn't loaded.


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