Forwarding to the list, not sure that she sent it to the list...

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Marguerite Floyd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: May 28, 2007 11:18:31 AM EDT
Subject: Re: [pmwiki-users] registration form

1. I would like anyone at all to read/view the site.

2. I would like anyone who wants to edit content, put stuff on the
calendar, or make a comment about content to register.  And while
they're registering to click a box/button saying they've read the

3. I would then like a handful of people to be "editors," who have the
authority to clean up content if necessary, remove inaccurate stuff,
add important stuff.  These would be the same as, I guess, moderators.
Using Authuser I can just add those folks' names and passwords.

But how do I deal with the folks in #2?

Sorry I'm getting myself so confused and, thus, confusing y'all.

On 5/28/07, Crisses <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On May 28, 2007, at 11:01 AM, Marguerite Floyd wrote:

> thanks everybody!  I'll give the authuser a try -- but where is the
> form/page that people put their names and so on in?  Does it pop up
> automatically when someone tries to edit a page? Do I need to design
> a page and put a link to it on the home page?
> I'll let you know how to goes -- and how far I get. ;-)


You've confused me.  You said you were going to assign passwords to
users in your email.

Let's start with what you want to do and figure out the best tool for



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