On Tue, 29 May 2007, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:

Based on responses in another thread [1], I'm of the opinion that things will be much easier in the long run if we create a separate "Site-Admin" group to hold strictly administrative pages. The "Site" group would then be used to hold pages that are generally shared throughout a site.

Just as 'user case information', I also use the group Site/ to contain more general type of information about the site. For instance, I have a page Site.FAQ for questions about using the site etc.

The biggest difference between the two groups is that Site-Admin would be read-restricted to admins by default, while Site would be generally open for reading by default.

How about 'Site-ReadRestricted'?

As a result, the following pages in the core distribution would
move into the Site-Admin group:

   Site.AuthUser      --> Site-Admin.AuthUser
   Site.AuthList      --> Site-Admin.AuthList
   Site.ApprovedUrls  --> Site-Admin.ApprovedUrls
   Site.Blocklist     --> Site-Admin.Blocklist
   Site.InterMap      --> Site-Admin.InterMap
   Site.NotifyList    --> Site-Admin.NotifyList

What's the reason Site.InterMap should be read-restricted?
(The others I understand at once)

Third is the issue of migration. If adopted, we would undoubtedly end up with a $SiteAdmin variable that identifies the group for Site-Admin pages, analogous to the way the $SiteGroup variable works for Site pages.

How about calling the variable '$SiteAdminGroup' (or whatever) for consistency?

An administrator that wants to continue to use 'Site.*' for all of the above pages can simply set $SiteAdmin to 'Site' and everything will work as before.

I'll do it like this.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44               http://www.md.kth.se/~chr
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