Since I need to create a couple of new PmWiki sites with particular looks, I
was browsing through the list of all current PmWiki skins, and a number of the
skin pages don't display in their own skins.

I gather that PM has to do something to enable them, so I'm making a list here
of the ones that seem to need enabling. (may not be safe to enable!)

Since I wanted to find out what these looked like, I've downloaded all of the
above and tried them out on my farm. They all sort-of work (at least under
firefox) with the following exceptions that someone might want to look into:

A) For SimpleTabSkin, I had to change $PubDirUrl in the .tmpl file to
$FarmPubDirUrl to make it work in my farm. It should actually be using
$SkinDirUrl instead, so it would work anywhere.

B) For PmWiki2Bars I was surprised that it expects to be unzipped in the main
pmwiki directory, while most skins expect to be unzipped in the pub/skins

C) MarathonSkin expects to find a Main.TopNav and a Main.SideBar page which
don't exist. The Main.SideBar should be changed to Site.SideBar, and a
Site.TopNav should be supplied via a local wikilib.d file.

D) The Notebook2skin has a message on its page about a javascript injection
bug. I haven't determined if its been fixed or not.

E) The SchlaeferTwoSkin contains some extraneous Mac OSX files in its zip
archive, and its old enough to use Main everywhere instead of Site.

Most of the above fixes would be easy enough for me to make (except that I
don't know javascript, so I can't debug it), but I don't want to step on any
toes. Does anyone know which of the above skins have been abandoned by their

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