Hey Eugene,

thanks a lot for your remarks. The "(:include ...:)" statement is all I 
needed and I didn't know about before.

So thanks a lot again,

Eugene Van den Bulke wrote:
> Martin Spindler wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> for the startpage of my blogsimple2 wiki I would like to show a summary 
>> of every post. How can I show only the first 100 words (or first 
>> paragraph, or ???) of each wikipage?
>> Looking forward for any advice/hint.
>> Thanks,
>> Martin.
> On http://www.3kwa.com I include on the homepage the first 3 lines of 
> the latest post in the Logbook group, fine tune and your are set ;)
>  >>bgcolor=#a4b6c8 padding=2px<<
> (:pagelist group=Logbook count=1 order=-name fmt=#lnews list=normal 
> name=-HomePage:)
>  >><<
> with
> fmt=#lnews
> For the display of the latest news on the home page
> [[#lnews]]
> !!{=$Name}
> (:include {=$FullName} self=0 lines=3:)
> %right% [[{=$FullName} | ... more ...]]
> [[#lnewsend]]
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