
On Thu, June 7, 2007 12:15, blues wrote:
> i have a fresh PmWiki installation (beta54),
> with a fresh UserAuth2 installation (stable5).
> no other recipes or skins installed.
> i want to activate the draft capabiliites of PmWiki,
> so i did:
> $EnableDrafts = 1;
> $EnablePublishAttr = 1;
> and, like suggested in http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/UserAuth2/Help:
> $HandleAuth['publish']     = 'publish';
> $UA2LevelToAbbr['publish'] = 'pb';
> $UA2PageRelatedLevelAbbr[] = 'pb';
> to add the publish authorization level.
>  from now on, as soon as i log in with admin after logging out
> the whole site is unreadable (meaning that it asks password
> for every page).

That sounds like a real problem. I'll test on my own machine and pmwiki
beta54 in the next days.

> also, in the AuthUser II Administration panel,
> if i click on the "profile" link of the admin user, it
> does nothing, it just display the page that is in the url.

Reason: Profiles are not implemented.

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