Em Quarta 13 Junho 2007 11:14, Patrick R. Michaud escreveu:
> On Wed, Jun 13, 2007 at 04:26:04PM +0300, blues wrote:
> > On Wed, 13 Jun 2007 13:06:04 +0300, Patrick R. Michaud
> >
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Always sending from a fixed address can be done a variety of ways...
> > > the easiest is to set the 'from' field in the configuration:
> > >
> > >   $PmForm['mailform'] =
> > >      form=#mailform fmt=#mailpost';
> >
> > going out from the thread, i wanted to ask a side-question.
> > is it possible to specify the configuration (form=, fmt= etc.)
> > directly on the (:pmform:) markup? ala pagelist, somehow.
> > that way it would be easier to configure, without messing
> > with the php scripts.
> One can specify the form= paramter within the (:pmform:) markup,
> but specifying fmt= or mailto= within (:pmform:) is generally
> disallowed as a potential security risk, as it would allow
> authors to send mail to arbitrary places or post data.
> Eventually there will be a SiteAdmin.PmFormConfig page where an
> administrator can specify the configuration without needing the
> php scripts.  And I may provide an option to relax the restriction
> on (:pmform:) for sites that aren't concerned about security
> issues.  But the default will generally be that certain parameters
> can only be specified in the configuration itself.
> Pm

Another (far on the) side question.

Is it possible to set an e-mail address inside a profile page as a invisible 
page text variable and have pmform to fetch the e-mail address from a profile 
page and then send the message to that e-mail address?

Perhaps using something like this:

(:pmform from=Profiles.CarlosAB :) or just
(:pmform from=CarlosAB :) 

I guess it isn't as it don't generate a page like Site/(All)MailSent or 
something like that.



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