Em Segunda 18 Junho 2007 18:25, Patrick R. Michaud escreveu:
> On Mon, Jun 18, 2007 at 05:20:52PM -0400, The Editor wrote:
> > Being as it's easy enough to add a skin section for something like an
> > allgroupheader, I'm not really convinced it needs to be in core. Seems
> > it should go in the skins, like it already does.
> Note that having a header in a skin is not at all the same as
> what GroupHeader does.  For one, skin components are processed
> *after* the main page contents, while a GroupHeader page is
> added to the main page contents before it is processed.
> Second, a page that is loaded via <!--wiki:...--> in a page
> template is processed as if it were a standalone page, and all
> internal link and page variable references are relative to
> that page.
> The GroupHeader page (and presumably its site-wide counterpart)
> is processed as if it is an integral part of the main page's contents.
> Pm

So it is better to use <!--wiki: directive for skins and use headers for 
things related to current browsed page, but when a "skinner" want's to 
include a page to use and show some PageVariables generated by diferent 
recipes, what  is the best thing to do?

As I see it, I look at GroupHeader as something for the editors, SiteHeader 
for admins and SkinHeader for "skinners". Is it wrong?


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