> I'm experimenting with DataQuery and DataPlates.
> I have a simple MySQL table of 10 fields or so. I added a record to the
> table via phpMyAdmin (pma). After installing DataPlates, I can list the
> table and it shows the record.
> I attempted to add a new record. It says the form updated, but when I view
> the table in pma there isn't a new record. I decided to next edit the
> original record I added using pma. The change isn't saved. In both cases, no
> error messages appear and the error log is empty.

Hi, Scott.  Thanks for trying DataQuery and DataPlates!  Sorry to hear 
you're having trouble.

My first guess (based only on what you've said) is that the name of the 
new page you're creating doesn't match the type of the query's key 
field.  But that should result in the page being created in the wiki 
rather than the database.  And it doesn't explain why you couldn't edit 
the record with phpMyAdmin -- that implies a problem outside of DataQuery.

If you can send me the necessary usernames and passwords off-list, I'll 
be happy to take a look.  --Ben

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