noskule schrieb:

I figured out that I have to make a markup expression to do something
like that:

({topicbasename "{$editgroup}.{$editname}"})

I took a look at the markup expression script but couldn't realy
understand it. Works this so that I could define a function like
topicbasebame and call it with the markupexpression markup?

Something like:
function TopicBaseName ($pagename, $Name) {
        $name = PageVar($pagename, $Name);
        $backnametopic = explode('-Topic-',$name);
        $backnametopic = $backnametopic[0];
        $FmtPV['$TopicBaseName'] = "'$backnametopic'";

and how would I define a markup-expression that executes the
TopicBaseName function?

> hi list
> I have some trouble to get this php code to runn properly, could please
> someone giving me a hand?
> I try to get the basename of a page:
>     SomeGroup.SomeName-Topic-12 -> SomeGroup.SomeName
> GLOBAL $TopicBaseName,$CommentBaseName;
> $name = PageVar($pagename, '$Name');
> $backnametopic = explode('-Topic-',$name);
> $backnametopic = $backnametopic[0];
> $FmtPV['$TopicBaseName'] = $backnametopic;
> this work like expected.
> SomeGroup.SomeName-Topic-12-Comment-3 -> SomeGroup.SomeName-Topic-12
> $name = PageVar($pagename, '$Name');
> $backnamecomment = explode('-Comment-',$name);
> $backnamecomment = $backnamecomment[0];
> $FmtPV['$CommentBaseName'] = $backnamecomment;
> this don't work and gives me: -12
> does anyone have an idea what I'm doing wrong?
> Thanks for any hints
> nos
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