On Thu, Jul 19, 2007 at 09:37:01AM +0200, Christophe David wrote:
> >>Is there a way to force users to log on again after a specified time,
> >>so that their access rights are not left forever (?) on a shared PC if
> >>they do not logout ?
> >
> > # automatically log browser out after 15 minutes of inactivity
> >ini_set('session.cookie_lifetime', time() + 15 * 60);
> On the server I tested (Windows 2003, Apache)
> ini_get('session.cookie_lifetime') returns nothing.

Interesting.  It should probably have at least returned "0".
Oh well.

> In php.ini, it is set to 43200.

Also interesting -- that must be some local default.  This means
that the session will last for 12 hours, or up to the value of
session.gc_maxlifetime (defaults to 24 minutes).

> As ini_get('session.cookie_lifetime') returns initially nothing,
> wouldn't it be safer to include  in the (farm)config.php)
> ini_set('session.cookie_lifetime', time() +timeout);  ?

At any rate, there's a special-purpose session_set_cookie_params()
function that seems to do exactly what you want.  So, to automatically
log out after 10 minutes, try (in local/(farm)config.php):

    session_set_cookie_params(10 * 60);


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