On Thu, Jul 19, 2007 at 10:32:27AM -0500, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> I'm looking into the possibility of building
> a subversion repository for cookbook recipes
> and I have some questions:
> 1.  How many recipe developers want this and
>     would use it?

I have to say "maybe" for me.  I like the idea, but I can also see
problems with it.
> 2.  Where should we host it?  Our options:
>     - as part of the PmWiki repository at svn://www.pmwiki.org/
>     - within the PmWiki project at SourceForge
>     - as a separate SourceForge project (e.g., PmWikiCookbook)
I think either of the first two would be best.
> 3.  Any thoughts about how it would be organized?
>     I'm thinking a top-level 'cookbook/' directory,
>     with subdirectories beneath that for each recipe.
Sounds good.
As someone else said, having a "skins" directory would probably be good
>     But I don't quite see that it will be straightforward
>     for people to keep recipes up-to-date by a simple
>     "svn update".
No, I expect they'd have to do it for each recipe they're interested in.
> 4.  How to synchronize changes between the cookbook repository
>     and the online cookbook?
Agreed, this is tricky.

The simplest case would be recipes which consist of only one .php file.
But there are other recipes (and skins of course) which consist of
multiple files in multiple directories, and people are used to being
able to download a single .zip file for such recipes.

I'm not sure how to solve that one.

Kathryn Andersen
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