On Fri, Jul 20, 2007 at 07:01:32PM +0200, Christophe David wrote:
> >Sure -- that's what the example I gave demonstrates -- see
> >   http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Test/XMLTest?skin=xml
> >None of the css or formatting or HTML head/body/title/etc. elements
> Not really :
> See http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Test/XMLTest2?skin=xml
> then, view source.
> ...
> <!--PageText-->
> <div id='wikitext'>
> that are not acceptable in XML...

(Note that <!-- comments --> are valid XML.)

I'm not sure that page is doing at all what you think it's doing.
In particular, the tags <link>, <a href='...'>, etc. are
not at all XML tags.  In the output source they're actually
coming across as "&lt;link&gt;" and "&lt;a href='...'&gt;" --
i.e., with the angle brackets escaped.

So, in order for this to produce actual XML output you'd have
to do the equivalent of EnableHTML on the page, so that HTML
sequences can be embedded directly.

But really I think this means that ?action=browse is not
the thing we want here, because ?action=browse and (:pagelist:)
are explicitly designed to produce XHTML, not XML, and they're
intended to escape any angle brackets and other character
entities coming from markup.

So, I again say that this would probably be better done by
creating something like ?action=xml, or perhaps ?action=pagelist
if the intent is to always produce an XML-based pagelist of 
some sort.  (And in fact this is exactly what ?action=rss,
?action=rdf, ?action=atom do -- they produce xml-based views
of pagelists.)


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