For those of us who have occasionally sighed over the sluggishness
of PMwiki.. here's possible good news:

This may be old news for many, but in case not:

If you use Firefox and web developer tools (highly recommended)

Don't walk but *run* to get yahoo's Fire-bug, ySlow plug-in

Set to auto run and see if you are getting failures on the gzip flag item.
If so, then get gzip running on your server if you can.

the speed gain for PMwiki is really, REALLY, huge, especially for pages that
are 100% text based) (images are already compressed so you don't
see gains there.)


  for the full scoop on this.

Our server runs Apache 2.0 so mod_deflate was already being
loaded *but* and this the biggy: there were no directive to actually
tell apached to compress anything...

so, you just need to determine that

LoadModule deflate_module modules/

is loaded: it was... so all we had to do was add this one line to the 
end of httpd.conf
and suddenly we are seeing major speed boost across all our domains 
running off this box

AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml text/css 
text/javascript application/x-javascript application/x-httpd-php

Check out a page like this which has very few images

And since we added .css javascript and php to the compressed files, Pmwiki
really sings!


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