

I meant the wiki source (?action=source), rather than the html

source. The html looks correct, but we should check the wiki source

to verify it is correct. I assume you have tried using the form to

edit the page and it correctly takes the data apart for editing?


The action=source is perfect... '//' after every entry. 

On a related issue: In case I want to convert each of the entries into
links (I do that by using [[(groupname.)<formfield>]]), I would not be
able to achieve that with these multiple input boxes, would I? I believe
that it would be best achieved by creating separate input boxes for each
entry. Do you agree?




I have had an "attach" field type on my to do list for a while.

Maybe it's time to give this task a higher priority...


I think it could work like this:


- in the FormTemplate, define a field like this example:


:Upload file:upload (attach=png|jpg|gif)


- this produces the following form field layout:


Upload file Attach:[.........................] dot ( ) png ( ) jpg ( )


- the author fills in the name of the file and clicks the

   desired extension


- once the form is saved, the author clicks the link to

   invoke the standard upload function


- the list of extensions could be optional; if undefined,

   the author would have to supply it and any extension

   would be allowed; if only one extension type is

   allowed (eg for a pdf library), that could be added



I think this would be quite easy to implement.


What do you think?


That sounds good. I would like to be able to restrict the file names and
not have the users type it in. 

Could you guide me some more with this?




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