Petko Yotov wrote:
> It seems (to me) easier for a user to do nothing than to press some 
> button/call some url every time pages are saved and the cache needs to be 
> updated.
I am even more confused now. Are you talking about how the 
server-scripts are executed? Of course, the user simply needs to click a 
button (e.g. edit) to let the static pages be removed automatically. I 
just want to make clear, that I don't want to have any extra checking 
before new static pages are created. I only need the guarantee, that the 
pages are really exported as a static page (and that  there is no 
'smart' checking that prevents the page from being exported). And I 
don't care about read-permissions, random-values or whatever.
> If you are the only person who visits and edits the wiki, it is ok. But when 
> you have a couple of dozens of non-technically aware editors, men and women, 
> young and less young, in one case they just edit pages (stressfull enough), 
> in the other you need to explain to them : After editing the page, please 
> click on this button, then on that link, write (:staticcache on:), etc. or 
> else either our visitors will still see last-year's page, or our server will 
> crash, and it's your fault. :-)
There is no young women or men or whoever editing my site. I am the only 
one. That's why I don't care about any 'smart' checking.  (And I even 
did not care, if a user actually would see an out-of-date page.) So, why 
make things complicated, if there is no need to?

Therefore, I only want to have something like this:

$StaticPageExportNoChecks = true;
$StaticPageExportClearCacheAfterEditing = true;

That's it. (And of course there needs to be some .htaccess configuration and 
the code for writing/deleting the static pages).


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