Hi there,

I have a severe problem with the enablepathinfo variable running 2.1 beta 63.

When I switch it on, the wiki group gets added to $SkinDirUrl and all paths of pictures and uploads. Links work fine, though.

e.g. The correct path for an image on my site would be:


When I switch on $enablepathinfo=1, the link pmwiki generates in the source code changes to:


It adds the group name in the path right before "/uploads".
The picture won't be shown with this wrong path.

I want to $enablepathinfo=1, because I would like to use the CleanURL recipe.

The (Apache) server has mod_rewrite enabled, although I cannot change rewriting rules using .htacces files. Nevertheless, the administrator enabled the rewriting rules (from the recipe) in the configuration himself. Could there be some problem with the rewriting rule, or is it a problem with my cofiguration?

Thanks a lot.


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