On 8/25/07, Karina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm using pmwiki on my website.  And I'd like to change the window title tag
> throughout the site (but i'll take even just on the main page ) Right now, the
> header is:
> PmWiki | Main / Mysite.org
> I'd like it just to say:
> Mysite.org
> This is also affecting my yahoo ranking, because i cannot rank
> as "Mysite.org".  I'm instead being downlisted because my title appears
> as "PmWiki | Main / Mysite.org "

Modify the appropriate line in the skin template file.  If you are
using the default skin, see the 'Modifying the "pmwiki" skin' section
of this page:


Try this line:

   <title>$WikiTitle : {$Titlespaced} $ActionTitle</title>

and be sure to set $WikiTitle in config.php

   $WikitTitle = 'Mysite.org';


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