No, I'm looking for the file name in the wiki.d directory.

To explain it, we have a staff page with snippets of each staff member:

(:include Staff.Jim:)
(:include Staff.Bob:)
(:include Staff.Cal:)

Now when I view the Staff.HomePage page, if I click on an edit link like
{$FullName}?action=edit then it edits the Staff.HomePage page not, the
Staff.Bob page, the actual page I need to edit.

The idea was to prepend each page with a link (when logged in) so that
to the right of the page there would be 3 links:
Edit Staff.Jim
Edit Staff.Bob
Edit Staff.Cal

So now when I view the Staff page, I can "skip" over to Staff.Bob and
edit his page.

So I need a variable that references the actual file that is read in
from the wiki.d directory.

Does this exist?

Thanks for your help!
-Josh Miller

-----Original Message-----
From: Patrick R. Michaud [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2007 1:56 PM
To: Josh Miller
Subject: Re: [pmwiki-users] Prepend text string to wiki file

On Thu, Sep 06, 2007 at 10:31:51AM -0400, Josh Miller wrote:
> Is there a variable for the filename in the Wiki.d directory?

Do you mean the page name?  If so, then {$FullName} is what you're
looking for.

> So that If that variable were $frenchfries for example, I could use 
> the following in the template:
> %right% [[{$frenchfries}?action=edit | Edit]]

If you're wanting to edit the page that is currently being displayed (as
given by the name in the address bar), then use {*$FullName}?action=edit
.  To edit the page that is being included, then be sure you're using
2.2.0-beta and use {$FullName}?action=edit .


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