On Fri, Sep 07, 2007 at 03:58:10PM +0200, Fredrik wrote:
> It might be simple but I can't see what I do wrong. Here is my really 
> advanced function so far...
> <?php if (!defined('PmWiki')) exit();
> Markup('test', 'directives', "/^\(:test[      ]*(.*?):\)\s*$/e", 
>       "test('$1')");
> function test($opts) {
>       $args = ParseArgs($opts);
>       $out = "!! ". $args['first'] ." ";
>       $out .= $args['second']. "\n";
>       $out .= "!! test\n";
>       return $out;
> }
> ?>
> Disabling the last line beginning with $out makes everything work fine. 
> But using both just shows this as a normal textline and not as 
> headers. Any idea?

If a directive is producing markup that has newlines in it, then
it needs to call PRR() to get the markup engine to re-split the
line.  Otherwise PmWiki still treats the result as being on
a single line.

So, try adding a call to PRR() inside of the test function:

  function test($opts) {
        $args = ParseArgs($opts);
        $out = "!! ". $args['first'] ." ";
        $out .= $args['second']. "\n";
        $out .= "!! test\n";
        return $out;


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