Matt Hollingsworth wrote:
> Setting up my wiki.  I tried a TON of skins, but I cannot use ANY of 
> the elastic/fluid/liquid skins that I tried, which is quite a few.  
> When I use these skins, my left sidebar disappears when I click on 
> "home".  It will reappear at times if I go into certain areas, but 
> every time I hit home, it disappears.
I'm curious, does your sidebar use pagelists to create it's links? And 
if so, is Home the only link you have so far?

I know it's a weird question, but pagelists sometimes don't display the 
page that you're currently on... Thus, a floating sidebar would 
disappear. It's a long shot, but if this is the case, just put some more 
text in the sidebar until you have more stuff on your site.

        ~Mike Shanley~

    ~you are almost there~

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