Just to be clear, I'm looking for some variable that refers to the page 
that it's on, regardless of whether it's included as part of another page.

  ~ ~ Dave

DaveG wrote:
> Within a skin, I'm including a page using the <!--wiki: syntax. That page 
> itself includes other pages. I'd like to create a link in those lower pages 
> that refers to the lower page, and does not resolve to the higher page. How 
> do I do that? 
> I've tried using both the {*$FullName}, and {$FullName} syntax, but they both 
> resolve to the upper most page (i.e., the current page), not the lower 
> included page. 
> Example:
> --- Skin page
>    <!--wiki:Group.Page1-->
> --- Group.Page1
>    (:include Group.Page2:)
>    (:include Group.Page3:)
> --- Group.Page2
>    [[{$FullName} | Link to Group.Page2]]
> --- Group.Page3
>    [[{$FullName} | Link to Group.Page3]]
> --- Final desired output would be
>    Link to Group.Page2
>    Link to Group.Page3
> ~ ~ Dave
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