--- Vladimir Grigor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Vladimir Grigor wrote:
> Solution should be quite simple to this problem, but
> I can't make this system do what I want.. :)
> I came to this solution(it doesn't work yet  ):
> 1) script in Site.SideBar calls
>       (:pagelist fmt=#sidebar  name=Research.* :)
>     so only pages from 'Research' group are
> 2) script in Site.LocalTemplates
>       [[#sidebar]]
>       ...
>       (:if equal {$ReqPDir} {=$Group} )
>       * [[{=$FullName}|+]]
>       (:if:)
>       ...
>       [[#sidebar]]
> It checks if group of current page is the same as
> group of $RequestedPage. If it is, then second level
of links
> of menu is shown.

For that, you probably just want:
 (:if equal {$Group} {=$Group} )


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