I'm currently working on a Bilingual (English/French) site where most of the
pages in the English/ group will be mirrored by a translation in the
Francaise/ group and vice-versa.

I would like to have a "Francaise" button in the English group which takes you
to the equivalent French page, and an "English" button in the French group
which takes you to the equivalent page.

The question is, how should I best go about setting up these page
equivalences? I can imagine a few methods such as:

1) Each page in either group has a (:Alternate: ... ) PTV pointing to the
other page.

2) Each page lists other pages by language, so that you might find an
(:English: ... ) PTV in French pages and vice-versa. This allows me to expand
the language list later (although I'm not sure we ever will).

3) There's some strange two-way XLPage set up that maps pages back and forth.
This was my initial plan, but its now looking difficult to set up.

4) Something I haven't thought of.

So, what do folks suggest? It would be best if the system made it obvious when
the translation of a page (or its link) was missing, and that would be simple
to extend to other languages if need be.

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