Wednesday, September 19, 2007, 4:10:08 PM, Jon Haupt wrote:

> First, in configuration, when you're delineating where Fox can
> edit/delete/etc. to, would it be possible to specify that the page in
> question be created within a certain time frame?  I would like to
> close commenting after 30 days, as an example.

This is not possible at present. It may be possible to create a filter
function which can compare a page creation time entered into a PTV in
the page (because pmwiki has no general page creation time variable)
with the time of the posting, and allow or disallow the posting
according to some rule.

> Also, is it at all possible to condition a template based on what is
> entered?  For example, I want something to show up only if an e-mail
> is entered in the e-mail text field, but if nothing is entered, I want
> something else to happen.  Is that possible?  My attempts with things
> like (:if equal {$$email} "":) haven't worked at all.

Again, a special filter function could be created which would handle
the email varification of the email field and handles the posting
accordingly. It could be built with a comparison of the email field
value with a regex pattern for email addresses.

Sorry for not being able to supply more specific advise at this time,
i.e. concrete FoxFilters for your purposes! Maybe others can help here


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