Guillermo Calderon - INCO schrieb:
> Stirling Westrup wrote:
>> What are the legal characters in the name of a PTV? Looking at the regexes
>> inside pmwiki.php (latest version), I see:
>> $PageTextVarPatterns = array(
>>   'var:'        => '/^(:*\\s*(\\w[-\\w]*)\\s*:[ \\t]?)(.*)($)/m',
>>   '(:var:...:)' => '/(\\(: *(\\w[-\\w]*) *:(?!\\))\\s?)(.*?)(:\\))/s'
>>   );
>> Am I reading that wrong, or doesn't [-\\w] match any word character plus '-'?
>> The reason I ask is that I can get simple PTV's to work, but not those that
>> contain '-' in the names. I wish to have a bunch of entries like:

I also miss the "Umlaute" öäü etc (ae oe etc). In german pmwiki-pages, 
variable-names containing these letters are quite usefull.


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