Yesterday I got asked if it was possible to extend a pmwiki site 
so that the users could book times and record the time they have 
been doing stuff (and do a automatic summary). Sure I said ...

This wiki is used by a small association, it's mostly used to 
record data (text) about the work being done and general 
information (some photos). They now what to extend it to do the following

+   Reserve time. There should be time slots available where
     different members could reserve time, once one member has
     reserved a time only that member should be allowed to edit/delete
     the reservation

+   Record time worked. Each member should be allowed to add info
     about when they have been doing stuff, this info should be
     presented together with a sum of all the time worked. Each member
     should only be allowed to edit their own data.

This info should be presented on a page (or two, one for each) 
so that it becomes easy to see who has reserved what time, and 
to see how much different members have been working. Each member 
already have an individual user.

Now we come to my "problem": I haven't done any "developing" 
with regard to pmwiki and my knowledge of PHP is, ehhh, close to 
non-existent. So this is the chance for me to get to know pmwiki 
a bit better. As I see it there are two ways of doing this:

+   write some custom code to handle all the stuff

+   use some existing recipe that can handle something like this

I would prefer the second solution (it would probably be faster 
to develop and have less errors) but I'm willing to do the first.

So I would like to ask for some advice if there is some existing 
add-on that would handle this and for some general advise of how 
I should attack this.

                             jem (and yes, I do have a lot of 
previous experience
                                  from software development, 
just not PHP)
Jan Erik Moström,

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