Hi everyone,
I'm trying to modify the code from 
http://www.pmichaud.com/wiki/PmWiki/Security#wikivandalism, which is as 

## Require admin password to edit RecentChanges (etc.) pages.
if ($action=='edit'
&& preg_match('/\\.(Search|Group(Header|Footer)|(All)?RecentChanges)$/', 
{ $DefaultPasswords['edit'] = crypt('secret phrase'); }

I want to modify this so that some pages in various groups DO NOT require a 
password to edit-- such as Bolivia.Housing, Bolivia.MustSee, Chile.Housing, 
Chile.MustSee, etc.

I don't know php, but have tried to modify as follows: 

## Require no password to edit Group.Housing (etc.) pages.
if ($action=='edit'   &&preg_match('/\\ 
{ $DefaultPasswords['edit'] = ''; }

As you can see, I have removed $pagename at the end and added $Group at the 
beginning.  I have also set $DefaultPasswords to '' for no password.  

Can anyone proofread this code?  Not being a programmer I'm sure it is not 

Chris Carter


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