[CC PMwiki list in case someone can tell
me why PMwiki keeps generating new folders with
Owner Apache and Group "Apache"  which a contributor
to this problem...it should be setting the owner and group to
that  of the local virtual domain owner:group

I also see some other PMwiki files are set to Apache and
not the local owner:group

drwxrwxrwx  9 wikihinduorg psacln   4096 Sep 29 07:24 .
drwxr-xr-x  6 wikihinduorg psacln   4096 Jul 17 20:15 ..
-rw-rw-rw-  1 apache       apache      0 Oct  1 12:51 .flock
drwxrwxrwx  2 wikihinduorg psacln   4096 Jul 22 14:31 GoldenGate
drwxrwxrwx  2 wikihinduorg psacln   4096 May 26 18:44 GoldenGate-DonorEvent
-rw-rw-r--  1 wikihinduorg psacln     31 Jun 27  2006 .htaccess
-rw-rw-rw-  1 apache       apache      0 Sep 29 07:24 .lastmod
drwxrwxrwx  2 wikihinduorg psacln   4096 May 26 18:49 Main
-rw-r--rw-  1 apache       apache 258335 Sep 29 07:24 .pageindex
drwxrwxrwx  2 wikihinduorg psacln   4096 Sep 29 07:21 SanDiego
drwxrwxrwx  2 wikihinduorg psacln   4096 Sep 29 07:24 SanDiego-DonorEvent
drwxrwxrwx  2 wikihinduorg psacln   4096 Sep 29 07:24 Site
drwxrwxrwx  2 wikihinduorg psacln   4096 Sep 30 09:25 SiteAdmin


Sadhunathan:  1st, tell your team to inform me immediately
if there are problems.  it's a quick fix: set owner and group
to the same for all folders in wiki.d

just FYI: everytime the serve is rebooted PHP reverts
to "Safe  Mode ON" even though I have it set to "off"
for wik.hindu.org in the PLESK set up panel.
  I have to work with ServePath on that one...
it's a PLESK control panel issue.

PHP Safe Mode On sets up very tight restrictions on
creating and writing to directories.  Though some say
it adds more nuisance than real security typically
out of the box installations, by policy,
will have default config files set to safemode ON.

And, myteriously, or some reason, many directories are getting created
as owner Apache: group Apache... by PMwiki...instead of the "local"
ownerships which should be "wikihinduorg:psacln"

Now, the web server has no problem with folders
owned by Apache.. but PHP does if safe mode is ON..

there is a  quick  solution to this problem which is to run

cd /var/vhosts/www/wikihinduorg/httpdocs/ssc/

chown -R wikihinduorg:psacln wiki.d

Now PHP sees all the directories as
owned by the local virtual domain owner and is happy.
feel free to do this on your own if you need to...
it's not going to break anything...

you may not remember all this but you can simply remember

"Oh... wiki is down... make all the owners and groups the same."

Meanwhile I'll work with ServePath tech support
on making the PHP Safe mode OFF to stick somehow.
I think we have to add it to a special custom httpd.conf include file
that is not overwritten by PLESK on reboot.


Pranams, Dasan

The wiki was down yesterday and is still down.  I forwarded the mail to 
Tosha.  Mahalo!

aum aum

Sadhunathan Nadesan wrote:



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