On Thu, Oct 04, 2007 at 06:49:47PM +0100, Steve Glover wrote:
> > > I have 
> > > RewriteRule ^news-rss/$
> > > pmwiki/pmwiki.php?n=News/RecentChanges&action=rss [QSA,L]
> > 
> Aargh - missed out a bit, sorry (the meat of the problem, in fact - long
> day!).
> As well as items of the form News/2007-09-23-meeting and such like, I
> have News/SideBar or News/MainMenu - basically bits of template chrome -
> and when I correct problems or amend these, they turn up in the feed

If you want to limit the feed to use only those pages that
start with a date (i.e., a '2'), you could do:


Or, if you want to explicitly exclude certain pages from the feed,
you could do:


Lastly, you could create specific entry in $SearchPatterns for
this, but I suspect one of the above is easier to do.

Hope this helps,


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