On Thursday, 25 October 2007 9:27 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Any thoughts on selecting pages using the (:wikilist variable=value:) as


Unfortunately, this works for me; see for example:

You will see that instead of "Select all items" it says "Select 

I think the first thing to do is remove all possible extraneous variables, 
by testing this with a plain install of pmwiki plus the wikiforms recipe. 
Second (although it shouldn't make a difference) use all lower case 
variable names.

I'd also test it with pmwiki version 2.1.27, which is a known quantity. 
It is possible that something in pmwiki has changed and broken the recipe,
although I do not know what this might be.

If that doesn't work...

Then I would edit the wikiform.php code and in the FmtEntryList function 
look for the code that sets $caption.= ... If you insert suitable echo 
statements you may be able to work out why the value of 
$opt[$f[$i]['element']] is not being picked up. For some reason, 
it is not receiving and processing the field=value setting.

You might try adding something like:

foreach($opt as $k => $v) echo "$k=$v"; 

This should return (for example) Type=Booklet. Insert this just 
above the for($i=0;$i<count($f);$i++) line.

>Any thoughts on anchoring that substring search if the search is indeed
>possible, as below?

I think I can make it do exact matches; for example, the author could
write type==book and it would match book but not booklet. Let me 
see if that can be made to work.

John Rankin

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