
I have got a problem with selecting data from an SQL table. This table is
filled with new data using one form

(:update form table=protocol
(:input hidden user value={$Author}:)
||class=firstrow border=0 cellspacing=22 width=40%
||! Voorwaarde ||! Conclusie ||
||(:update textarea voorwaarde rows=3 cols=50:)|| (:update textarea
conclusie rows=3 cols=50:)||
||class=firstrow border=0 cellspacing=22 width=25%
||!Documentatie:    ||(:update file documentatie rows=1 cols=30:)||
||!Conclusie sterkte:||(:update select conc_sterkte from=concl_sterkte:)||
||!Akkoord:   ||(:update radio akkoord Ja:)Ja (:update radio akkoord Nee
||(:update submit value="Submit Changes":)||[[|Uitloggen]<>
(:update end:)

and should be updated using another form:

(:update form table=protocol
fields=voorwaarde,conclusie,documentatie,conc_sterkte,akkoord, user
required=voorwaarde where=voorwaarde method=get:)
||!Voorwaarde ||!Conclusie ||!Documentatie ||!Sterkte ||!Akkoord ||!User ||
||(:update text voorwaarde value={$voorwaarde}:)||(:update text conclusie
value={$conclusie}:)||(:update text documentatie
value={$documentatie}:)||(:update text conc_sterkte
value={$conc_sterkte}:)||(:update text akkoord value={$akkoord}:)||(:update
text user value={$user}:)||
(:update submit value="Submit Changes":)
(:update end:)

As you can see I had trouble with filling the last form with the data from
the SQL table. Can someone tell me how to get this data available within the
last form? Is there a possibility to get more examples using MYSQL tables
within wiki pages? I


Sjaak van Werkhoven

Sjaak van Werkhoven

Emotional Brain bv,
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