On Dec 5, 2007 9:24 AM, Sjaak van Werkhoven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> I'am trying to make a pmwiki page to call an applet. So I added the applet
> recipe to the /var/www/pmwiki/cookbook directory and
> I set the PubDirUrl variable (within pmwiki.php) to "
> http//<IP-address>/pmwiki/pub" . Within the /var/www/pmwiki/pub/applets
> directory I placed the applet Clock.class.
> The pmwiki page calling the applet looks like this:
>  (:applet code="Clock.class" codeBase="/" width="150" height="150":)
>  Result:  the java console saying
>  Load: class Clock.class not found
> Java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Clock.class
> …..
> Caused by: java.io.IOException: open HTTP connection failed
> Looking within applet.php the AppletRootCodebase is set to "
> $PubDirUrl/applets", but the applet can't be found at the defined place.
> Why??
> Greetings
> Sjaak van Werkhoven

This was due to a long lasting unsolved bug in the released cookbook script.
The script has now been updated on the recipe page.

You should also take care that the recognized markup parameters are to
be given in lower case as in "codebase=..."


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