> I have been running some performance tests using StopWatch()
> with Fox processing multiple files. I noticed that the line in the
> pmwiki.php SaveAttributes function
>     $html = MarkupToHTML($pagename,$text);
> is causing the overall process time to more than double.
> As a test I used Fox to rewrite and save in a different group multiple
> pages.
> With it Fox processed the 95 pages of PmWiki group in 27 sec,
> by commenting the line this time was reduced to 12.6 sec.
> Question: why is this call to MarkupToHTML in function SaveAttributes?
> It seems to do nothing, but I may be wrong there!
> Is it safe to remove it?
> Is it safe to remove it at least when processing other pages?


agree with this; I recently discovered the same when striving through the
code. An intended side effect of the function call on global vars would be
the only way how it could be useful at this place.


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