Wednesday, January 9, 2008, 6:57:25 PM, Sameer Kumar wrote:

> What I am therefore aiming for is only one page that would have a part
> of it editable using a form which would also contain non-form based
> text.

Using Fox and FoxEdit you could insert an foxedit link, which targets
the part of your page you like to be editable. Depending on the
structure of this part (is it an anchor delimited section, is it several
PTVs?) you could use  a standard or custom made form for editing this
part. The other part of the page would not be touched by the editing.

> There are a number of problems caused due to this setup. The most
> important one is dealing with Pagelists and searchlists. There are
> others with intra-wiki links etc.

Can you be more specific? If this text content is included in several
project pages it seems to make sense to include it with (:include
..:) markup or via the GroupFooter. Perhaps it is enough to change
your approach from Groupfooter to (:include ...:) ?


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