On Tue, Jan 15, 2008 at 01:09:22PM -0600, Frank Graffagnino wrote:
> I fixed this by editing "scripts/upload.php" and enclosing the
> filename argument in the "Content-disposition" field to be enclosed in
> quotes.  This seemed to fix the problem.

Excellent suggestion -- I'll make the change.

> Also, I'm still having problems with downloading using Internet
> Explorer and direct download disabled.  Internet Explorer doesn't like
> something about the way the header is being transmitted.  Anyone
> successfully downloading files using Internet Explorer with direct
> download off?

What version of IE are you using?  Also, IE likes to ignore the
Content-Type header and make its own choice about what it is receiving.
For example, IE often displays files containing html tags as HTML,
even if the Content-Type header says that the file is "text/plain"
or some other type.


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