Hans schrieb:
> Thursday, January 31, 2008, 6:14:20 PM, noskule wrote:
>> I would like show 10 blogposts on a page and have a link at the bottom
>> of the page that shows me the next 10 posts.
>> To show 10 posts is not the problem but to do the link i can't figure
>> out how to do.
> Is each post  a separate page, or are they all on one page?
> http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/BreakPage is a nice recipe to show
> a page in sections, with links to the other sections.
> I modified this for FoxForum, and added in foxforum.php a version
> which works for the forum type where each post is a separate page.
> But you may try a simpler solution which employs a markup expression
> to calculate the next post (bunch).
> You use a var for your post count, and   MarkupExprPlus for the math
> http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/MarkupExprPlus
> You can use markup expressions in links and in pagelist etc.
>   ~Hans

oky, I got a simple solution so far see:

Link to erlier posts:
    [[{*$FullName}?plcount={(math {$plcount}+1)}|$[Earlier Posts]]]

Link to recent posts:
    [[{*$FullName}?plcount={(math {$plcount}-1)}|$[Recent Posts]]]

    (:pagelist  count={(math '( ( {$plcount}+0) * 5 ) + 1' )}..{(math '(
({$plcount}+0) * 5 ) + 5' )}:)

the only problem is, that I don't no how to find out if it still needs a
"Earlier Posts" link. To get that to work I have to find out how many
pages does pagelist find.

with the pagelist arg "fmt=count" i get the number but only as text in
the page. Is there a way to get this value as variable?
grz nos

%center%[[{*$FullName}?plcount={(math {$plcount}+1)}|$[Earlier Posts]]]
{(math '( ({$plcount}+0) * 5 ) + 5' )}...{(math '( ( {$plcount}+0) * 5 )
+ 1' )} (:if expr ! equal {$plcount} '' && ! equal {$plcount}
'0':)[[{*$FullName}?plcount={(math {$plcount}-1)}|$[Recent Posts]]]

(:if expr ! equal {$plcount} '' && ! equal {$plcount} '0':)
(:pagelist group={*$Group} $:pagetype=Blog $:Livecycle=1-Publish
fmt=#Teasers count={(math '( ( {$plcount}+0) * 5 ) + 1' )}..{(math '(
({$plcount}+0) * 5 ) + 5' )} order=-ctime:)
(:pagelist group={*$Group} $:pagetype=Blog $:Livecycle=1-Publish
fmt=#Teasers count=0..5 order=-ctime:)

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