(May be it's a bit off topic, but to understand these machanisme helps 
to understand "nice URLs". )

I have a wiki on:
(nothing special, charset has to be and is ISO-8859-1 )

I have a URL that shows to another server, and so I adjusted the  
VHost:  with a proxypass
       SetOutputFilter proxy-html
       #ProxyHTMLLogVerbose On
       ProxyHTMLExtended On
       ProxyPass  / http://www.ddy.ch/pm/ddy/index.php/
#      ProxyHTMLURLMap http://www.wprj.net/chor/index.php /
#      ProxyPassReverse / http://www.ddy.ch/pm/ddy/index.php/ 

The result seems to be correct

1) But its very strange, it he page has been **converted** in absolute 
correct  UTF8.
When editing, all  the Umlaute are displayed wrong, and it's not 
possible to change the content correctly.

2)When logging in, the forward ist not correct. it shows to
- http://singles-aktiv.ch/pm/ddy/index.php/?action=login            (How 
to user Script-URL here?)
  http://ddy.ch/pm/ddy/index.php/?action=login  (would work)  

What I like to mention here:
it's  $_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST"]  that shows the original 
Hostname  (in case of proxypass).

Patrick  Ogay

Actually I have chosen this solution, because I didn't know and don't 
know, to make the NS-Entries correctly to make a foreward to another 
NS-Entry now:
Space on the same server like DSN-Server.  The other space is a normal 
hosting-space, with it's restrictions.

; Zone file for singles-aktiv.ch
$TTL 14400
@      86400    IN      SOA     ns1.wprj.net. root.wprj.net. (
        2006042201    ; serial, todays date+todays
        86400        ; refresh, seconds
        7200        ; retry, seconds
        3600000        ; expire, seconds
        86400 )        ; minimum, seconds

singles-aktiv.ch. 86400 IN NS         ns1.wprj.net.
singles-aktiv.ch. 86400 IN NS        ns2.wprj.net.

singles-aktiv.ch.     IN A
localhost.singles-aktiv.ch. IN A

;singles-aktiv.ch.     IN MX 0    singles-aktiv.ch.
;singles-aktiv.ch.       IN A

mail          IN CNAME    singles-aktiv.ch.
www         IN CNAME    singles-aktiv.ch.
ns1           IN CNAME    singles-aktiv.ch.
ns2          IN CNAME    singles-aktiv.ch.
;ftp          IN A

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