Hans wrote:
> Tuesday, April 8, 2008, 8:17:24 PM, Mailinglists wrote:
>> The reason I'm looking for this is because I'm trying to put markup
>> to use the pmFeed recipe within a table cell:
>> http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/PmFeed
>> But when I do this the markup is displayed as-is, it doesn't render
>> into the requested feed. My goal was to have a single pmFeed markup
>> statement alone in a single page and then include that page in many
>> places throughout my site, sometimes within table cells.
> Perhaps it may work if you use a modified pmfeed markup,
> since the pmfeed markup wants to be at the beginning of a line, and
> your table may not allow that.
> So you could try to put this modified markup into config.php before
> including the pmfeed recipe:
> Markup('pmfeed','directives',"/\(:pmfeed[      ]*(.*?):\)\s*/e",
>         "pmfeed('$1')");
> Note that I have not tried it.
> Alternatively (and perhaps better) you could try  and use
> table directives, which lets you write a cell markup like
> (:cell:)
> (:pmfeed .........:)
> so the pmfeed markup can be on a line on its own, to be rendered.
> (I think that may be the problem and solution for you).
> see http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWiki/TableDirectives
> Again I have not tried any of this.

Hans is right about using the extended table markup.
You can use that to embed pmfeed into cells of a

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