Is there any further news on the release of non-beta 2.2?  Our agency has a
policy about not running beta software, and I'd like to be able to move to
the newer version (I'm on 2.1.26 as things stand).  Failing a release pretty
soon, I may be compelled to migrate to MediaWiki, which has built-in
features like robust built-in authentication with minimal admin burden,
watch lists, discussion pages, etc. Several of those features can at least
be approximated with cookbook recipes that depend on newer core features,
and I prefer the simplicity and open nature of PmWiki, but it would help
enormously to have a non-beta version.  Thanks.


Clayton Curtis MD PhD

VHA-IHS Interagency Liaison & Informatics
 150 South Huntington Avenue
 Boston, MA 02130
 voice: 857-364-4786

 cel: 617-794-7151
 fax: 781-687-3470    email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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