On 12/05/2008, at 1:55 PM, Hans wrote:

Monday, May 12, 2008, 11:39:44 AM, Mark Trumpold wrote:

Thanks I am almost there however the captcha code doesn't show.
http://www.ruthtrumpold.id.au/itgswiki/pmwiki.php? n=Guestbook.Homepage

it seems the variables are not rrecognised.

Try this code for the guestbook modification instead:

<tr><td class='prompt' align='right' valign='top'>
<input type='hidden' name='captchakey' value='".$CaptchaKey."' />
Enter code: <em class='access'>".$Captcha." </em></td>
<td><input type='text' name='".$CaptchaName."' size='5' class='inputbox'></td></tr>


Sorry to be a pain Hans

now the the $captcha is gone but there is no random code image and people can still add

any ideas?

I added

if ($pagename=='Guestbook.Homepage') {
$EnablePostCaptchaRequired = 1;

Do I need to put a (:input captcha:) variable in the guestbookpage

Cheers Mark

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