On Sun, 15 Jun 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thank you kind Sir, just the prod I needed, I've done it now.  FYI the
curl command to upload any file type allowed by PmWiki is:

curl -F n=Main.WikiSandbox -F action=postupload -F
uploadfile=@/c/times.txt http://localhost/pmwiki.php/Main/WikiSandbox

Obviously alter the wiki page name and file name to suit.  If you also
add -F upname=alternative-file-name.txt you can alter the filename
within PmWiki.

Hi Steve,

Do you think you could put the above on some cookbook page, it sounds like a useful thing to know!

Best regards,

Great stuff :-)


2008/6/15 Patrick R. Michaud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
On Sun, Jun 15, 2008 at 03:12:27PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I've looked at http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWiki/EditingAPI and can
post normal Wiki pages fine from external applications e.g. using curl
to post to Main.WikiSandbox I'd do:

curl -d 

My question is how would I do the same with uploading files, utilising
PmWiki's standard upload form e.g.
http://localhost/pmwiki.php/Main/WikiSandbox?action=upload.  I've
tried and tried and can not do it with curl.  Looking at the HTML from
PmWiki's upload form page I think it might be because the input line
below doesn't have a 'name' tag.

No, that's not it.  To do an upload you want to make sure to
have action=postupload.  Your submission also needs to do a
file-based upload, with a name of 'uploadfile' (I have no idea
how to do this in curl).

Hope this helps,


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44               http://www.md.kth.se/~chr
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