Hans schrieb:
> Wednesday, July 16, 2008, 6:24:04 AM, Scott Smith wrote:
>> For example, I type in 'destination': San Diego/2008. The slash is invalid
>> and the validation mark-up catches it and re-displays the form. The
>> 'destination' field is now blank. This doesn't happen with my other fields
>> that have validation. They come back with the failed value (which is what I
>> want and expect).
> the reason is that the input field named 'destination' has a value
> which prevents it being set by the previous request:
> (:input text destination "{$:destination}" size=40:)
> change to (:input text destination size=40:) and it works.
> you don't seem to use a {$:destination} page text variable on the
> target page anywhere.
> In fact the other fields like (:input text name=$:traveler2 size=40:)
> don't load their input value  from a PTV either I think, in which
> case you could use (:input text traveler2 size=40:) instead.
> (unless you use this form as a edit form as well, but it does not
> appear as such)
>   ~Hans
I experienced the same problem with the FoxContact form, if the 
submission fails the other fields are empty.

(:input text name1 "{$:name1}" size=60:)(:foxcheck ...
(:input text name2 "{$:name2}" size=60:)(:foxcheck ...

is there a way to make it edit compatible?

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