Greetings, ...

The following (:div:), used in a GroupHeader, defines a top left box to 
display a list of members

%define=box block color=#fff bgcolor=green border=none text-align=center 
(:if name ????-??-??[-_]*:)

(:div classs="xyz" style="float:left; width:320px; height:600px; 
padding-left:2px; padding-right:10px;":)
%box% Resources ...%%
!!! Members
* (:pagelist group=People ...:)

(:if end:)

My text goes in top right position here, ...

Issue comes when I add the wikistyleplus >>lrindent round<<  to my 
(:pagelist:) :

>>lrindent round<<
* (:pagelist group=People ...:)

then, the top left box defined by the (:div:) is broken, the width is lost, 
and my normal text is displayed at the end of the header and not on top 
right anymore, ..

Any workaround ? How should I nest (:div:) and >>lrindent<<  ?

Thanks for your comments,


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