hey there
definitely have the right page (Site.EditForm) -- i've done a bunch of other edits, and different sized editforms for different pages, etc... also the autofocus seems to be alive and well (by default) at login prompts - the quick and easy javascript i see for that is:

<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'><!--
    try { document.authform.authid.focus(); }
    catch(e) { document.authform.authpw.focus(); } //--></script></div>

i've stuck some 'echos' in the focus area of scripts/forms.php, and they're all executing/printing out, but the javascript itself doesn't seem to be landing anywhere on the page in the source for some reason...


On 31 Aug 2008, at 9:27 PM, Peter Bowers wrote:

Depending on you skin you may need to edit Popup-EditForm or
Gemini-EditForm instead of EditForm.

Try putting some other random text in there and seeing if it actually
shows up when you edit a page.  If it doesn't then you haven't found
the right edit form yet...


On Mon, Sep 1, 2008 at 4:55 AM, adam overton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

according to Petko's note on:

... adding (:input e_textarea focus=1:) to my Site.EditForm should
cause the cursor to automatically appear in the editform, right? or
am i misunderstanding?

in any case, there's no cursor, just like before and am wondering
what to do next.

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