I use a Linux host, and I don't know Linux. I've picked up a bit here 
and there, and use the CPanel interface the account comes with. I don't 
have shell access, so can't use Linux commands directly. I used command 
line based OSs ages ago, just enough to get by, so have a rough idea of 
the ten most common commands.

I asked my husband about a few things (like what does CHMOD do), then 
found how to do them using CPanel and my FTP client.


Swift, Chris wrote:
> Dear all,
> I'm in the process of getting a server setup for my site and I'm looking 
> at 2 different options from www.1and1.com <http://www.1and1.com>.  They 
> offer both Linux and Windows servers and both cost the same.
> So, the question is, would you recommend to have a server based off of 
> Linux or Windows?  I'm asking because the different environments would 
> require different plugins and setups.
> Thanks and I believe we can all benefit from this discussion!
> Thanks,
> Chris
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