Velosteph said...
> I'am confronted with a ...grr problem
> I build a site in pmwiki 2... 65, and the coding of special char doesn't run
> as expected. Firefox and IE show different coding (UTF>< ISO) for special
> European characters.
> If I switch to pmwiki skin, the website is okay for both navigator. So I
> compare the head of my template with pmwiki head, and don?t find a real
> reason to my problem. Eliminate the stylesheet doesn't change anything,
> changing the order of title,... also.
> My head tag is like this : (hope antispam doesn?t kill it)
> --
> <!DOCTYPE html
>     PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
>     "";>
> <html xmlns="";>
> <head>
> <title>$WikiTitle - $Group - $Titlespaced</title> <meta
> http-equiv='Content-Style-Type' content='text/css' /> <link rel='stylesheet'
> href='$SkinDirUrl/myown.css' type='text/css' /> <meta
> http-equiv="imagetoolbar" content="no" /> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Expires"
> CONTENT="0"> <link rel='icon' href='$SkinDirUrl/favicon.gif'
> type='image/gif' /> <link rel='SHORTCUT ICON' href='$SkinDirUrl/favicon.gif'
> /> <!--HTMLHeader--> </head>
> ------
> I just finish to retype manually from scratch (to avoid a invisible
> things??) and doesn't change anything

I presume that you want/need UTF8 encoding. To do that you'll need the 
HTML line:

        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-
8" />

Put it right at the top of <head>, because the browser restarts parsing 
from the start when it reads this line.

In addition, you will need (something like):


in your PmWiki config file(s). Again, put this at or near the top, as it 
affects everything else.

That's all you should need, in my experience.

Bon chance.


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